Gas engines

Faba Motor's gas engines are for permanent use and have an electrical efficiency of 42%. These engines are less sensitive to changes in climatic and environmental conditions.

Engine design: 
Durable and reliable in different working conditions

Compatible with different natural gas analyzes - compatible with changes in fuel quality

Including strength in the design, in order to reduce the initial cost and maintenance - resistant design and low maintenance cost

Good performance in conditions where the air density is low, maintaining performance in high altitudes and hot conditions (site at high altitude / high ambient air temperature)

Easy troubleshooting

Pre-delivery test:

The final delivery of engines will be according to the needs of the client at the site and will be in accordance with ISO 15550 core standard axes.


Guarantee and after-sales service:

Faba Motor Company guarantees its gas engines for 8000 working hours or one year.
Also, the commitment to after-sales service, support and supply of parts for fifteen years is offered throughout Iran.